Fuselage: Longerons & Aft Section


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February 3, 2006: (2.0 hrs.)  My father-in-law was coming into town in a week, so that meant I needed to get the aft fuselage painted if I wanted to make use of a riveting partner.


I had already primed the bulkheads, so I only needed to focus on the J-channels and skins.  Yes, I said skins.  I decided that I would prime the inside of the bottom skins for good measure.

Here is the aft bottom skin and tail-cone skin primed.



I had some extra primer mixed up, so I went ahead and primed the rivet lines of the side skins.  The blue plastic film made a good painters mask.
Next, the whole aft section was cleco'd back together.
February 11, 2006: (5.0 hrs.)  I turned the aft section on its side to rivet the bottom skins to the bulk-heads.  That is Max on the other side of the assembly.
Max shot rivets while I bucked from the other side.  This configuration worked really well.
Here is my youngest son Joshua helping out by placing rivets in the holes to be shot.
Next, the assembly was rolled upside down to rivet the side skins.  I crawled inside to do the bucking.  This worked great for all the rivets except the tail cone sides.  Those were riveted last and with the aft fuselage sitting upright.
Look here.  My mother-in-law even helped out.  She placed rivets while Max worked the rivet gun and I bucked.
Aft fuselage back upright after riveting... You only rivet up to, and including, the top J-Channel. This allows you to flex the sides skins away to insert the longerons when the time comes.
A shot of the outside after riveting.
Pealed away the blue plastic film from the inside.



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